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Jerry Bumgarner, president

What do we do?  It's pretty simple, we boost the band.  We help them get from place to place.  We tote their instruments and props.  We make sandwiches.  We sell things. We drive the gator and get front ensemble on the field.  We build. We hammer. We paint. We sew.  We encourage. We hug.  We laugh. We cry. We carry bags.  We carry flags.  We carry flags in bags.  We share in their success and their disappointment. We raise money. (hopefully, lots of money.) We sweat.  Sometimes we break an ankle.  We take pictures. Lots of pictures.  We post on facebook.  We encourage.  We cheer. We listen.  We fund raise some more. And we are proud because the FHS Family of Bands is made up of great kids that work hard and deserve their success. 


Jerry played the bariotone and trumpet at FHS back in the day. Way back in the day.  Like last century even.


His kids and wife claim him when they are in public which shows you what a great guy he is!








Jimmy Villiard,

Jimmy didn't play an instrument back in his school days.


He maths well though, which is a good thing since he is in charge of the checkbook.  He is also good at karate.  Sooo you might want to get those receipts turned in timely. 

Phaedra Bishop,
Maria Tallent,
Emily Nicholson,
hospitality coordinator

Phaedra played  flute in school. 


She is responsible for recording notes from our meetings.  This is difficult at times because we talk faster than any human could possibly write.

Maria played flute in 6th grade and had perfect attendance for 11 years!


She is our historian which requires her to take pictures.  A. Lot. Of. Pictures. She is also vigilant about getting them on facebook. It is also why her pic looks like it does -- if she didn't have the camera in front of her face, no on would recognize her!  (We really need to add that pic!)

Emily's job is identified as hospitality but it could also be described as food getter.  She gets food for camp, for instructors, for competitions, end-of-year banquet, etc.  She gets a T-R-E-M-E-N-D-O-U-S amount of food.  Why? Teenagers.  They eat just like the Very Hungry Caterpillar in that kids' book. They'd probably eat the book if they could.

Angie Bumgarner,
corresponding secretary

Angie did not play an instrument in school, but that's okay because both of her kids do.  Her oldest is a former FHS Band drum major.  Award winning even.



Susan Swift,
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